RESUMO -O efeito de diferentes formas de suplementação lipídica sobre o consumo, a digestibilidade, o balanço de compostos nitrogenados, a produção de leite e a eficiência de utilização de nutrientes em cabras lactantes foi testado com a inclusão de óleo de soja (OS), sais de cálcio de ácidos graxos de cadeia longa (SC) e grão de soja (GS) na dieta. Foram utilizadas 24 cabras lactantes, alocadas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos e seis repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de uma dieta controle (C), com 2,2% de EE e isenta de lipídio suplementar, e de três outras dietas, adicionadas de um dos suplementos testados, contribuindo com 4,5% de EE suplementar. O consumo voluntário e a produção de leite foram monitorados diariamente no período de 51 a 138 dias de lactação. Effects of fat supplements on intake and efficiency of nutrient utilization in lactating dairy goats ABSTRACT -The effect of different fat supplements on intake, digestibility, nitrogen balance, milk yield and efficiency of nutrient utilization was evaluated in lactating dairy goats. Twenty-four dairy goats were assigned to a completely randomized design with four treatments and six replicates/treatment. The fat supplements tested were soybean oil (SO), calcium salts of longchain fatty acids (CS) and whole soybean (WS), which contributed with 4.5% of dietary ether extract. A control diet with no added fat was also fed to the animals. Daily measurements of intake and milk yield were done from day 51 to day 138 of lactation.Intakes of DM (DMI), NDF (NDFI), TDN (TDNI), and net energy (NEI) were lower on soybean oil and whole soybean than on control and CS diets. Feeding fat supplements to lactating goats reduced digestibilities of OM, CP and TC. Digestibility of NDF was reduced by SO while that of NFC was reduced by WS. Yields of milk fat, milk protein and milk decreased when WS was fed and the feeding of all three fat supplements depressed the yield of milk lactose. No significant differences in the concentration of milk components were observed across treatments. Similarly, the net efficiency of utilization of ingested metabolizable energy for milk production (kl) did not differ among diets. The same was true for nitrogen balance and retained nitrogen.Key Words: calcium salts of fatty acids, goats, milk, oil, production, soybean
IntroduçãoA produção de leite é um processo metabólico altamente dependente de energia. No início da lactação, ocorrem simultaneamente redução da capacidade de ingestão de MS e elevação das exigências energéticas, em razão da maior produção. Assim, os animais, por meio da homeorresia (Bauman, 2000), mobilizam suas reservas corporais para atender esta condição fisiológica.