The global economy heavily relies on maritime commerce, commonly known as the “Blue Economy,” which involves the transportation of raw materials and products via maritime traffic and the utilization of marine resources, including oil, gas, and underwater mines. The importance of various infrastructures linked to the sea, such as fish farms, pipelines, underwater power and data cables, cannot be overstated as they have significant impacts on both local and global economies. Therefore, safeguarding these infrastructures against both symmetric and asymmetric threats is crucial to prevent disruptions to vital services and avoid negative impacts on the economy and quality of life. This book chapter presents an underwater access control system designed to monitor and prevent unauthorized access to port areas from the seaside to safeguard maritime infrastructures. The system consists of acoustic and magnetic barriers connected to a wireless communication network that can collect and transmit data to the infrastructure control centre. The system provides robust, dependable, and secure solutions for near real-time data transfer, enabling continuous monitoring and prompt response to potential threats. This chapter provides a detailed description of the system architecture and its primary components, focusing on the technological aspects and innovative solutions used to meet the proposed requirements.