INTRODUCTION The significant growth in wireless communication e.g. CDMA, GSM, 3G, 4G, 5G network etc. has resulted in growing demand of ene rgy consumption [1]. As the device switch from lower speed of network to higher, the energy consumption gets approximately double on each next evolution as shown in bar graph 1.1. Because of limited battery capacity, the cellular network demands an EE transmissi on scheme. It is claimed that battery capacity has only increased by 80% within the last decade, while the processor performance doub les every 1, 5 year [2]. Only around 10% of the entire consumption is associated with the end user equipment, while the remaining 90 % is taken up by network components of which around 2/3 is used by the BS. This means that a BS consumes more than 60% of its pe ak consumption even in periods of idle operation. Therefore, strategically turning-off some of the base stations during the off peak hou rs promises a great potential to improve the system's energy efficiency. The energy consumption of UT based on what kind of service they are operating like video, audio, data etc. The energy consumption also depends on the bandwidth used by the service being used by UT. Cell phone technology has grown exponentially in the decade. The value of Power Density (PD) at public exposure zone shoul d not greater then f/200 watt/ for 400-2000 MHz band. Due to this requirement of energy the higher evolutions e.g. 4G LTE operated devices restricted to certain locations. 4G LTE devices are expected to support higher data rates and multi standard radio interfaces (U MTS, LTE, and Wi-Fi, Bluetooth etc.) to provide streaming connection. This demand of high speed connection achieved at the cost o f higher energy consumption. The organisation of the paper is as follows: at first we discuss about the network model, after that we de scribe the impact of various transmission parameters which are responsible for impact on cellular network, than problem of cellular ne twork has described, the remaining portion of this paper is about to the methodology or process, and at the end we conclude the whole discussion.