Abstract:In this paper, an asset management system (Fasys-AM) is presented to optimize maintenance/repair activities for the facilities on the highways. The Fasys-AM is designed to find out the optimal inspection/repair/replacement policies to minimize the life-cycle cost and fail risks based upon the database of the inventories and inspection history. The system involves, as its core module, a simulation model to investigate the long-medium term budget plans and the service levels of the facilities given the budgetary constraints. The deterioration processes of the facility systems are modeled by the aggregated time-dependent Markov process model. The paper illustrates a case study carried out for the lighting systems on the Tohoku expressway to investigate the validity of the Fasys-AM applications.キーワード: アセットマネジメント,ライフサイクル費用,最適点検・補修・更新政策 Keywords : asset management, life cycle cost, optimal inspection/repair/replacement policy 1 : 正会員 中日本高速道路株式会社 横浜支社 保全・サービス事業部施設整備チーム (〒222-8503 横浜市港北区新横浜 3-9-18,Tel : 045-475-9239) 2 : 正会員 博(工) 株式会社パスコ GIS 総合研究所応用技術開発課