“…Many variants of train routing and scheduling problems with different objective functions and set of constraints under deterministic and stochastic conditions have been introduced and vastly studied in the literature; see surveys by Cordeau, Toth, and Vigo (1998), Harrod and Gorman (2010), Lusby et al (2011), Cacchiani andToth (2012), andTurner et al (2016) for different problems classifications and structures. Mixed integer linear and nonlinear programming formulations are among the most frequent exact approaches to model different classes of these problems (Jovanović and Harker 1991, Huntley et al 1995, Sherali and Suharko 1998, Lawley et al 2008, Haahr and Lusby 2017, Davarnia et al 2019. Proposed solution techniques include but are not limited to branch-and-bound methods (Jovanović andHarker 1991, Fuchsberger andLüthi 2007), branch-and-cut frameworks (Zwaneveld, Kroon, andVan Hoesel 2001, Ceselli et al 2008), branch-and-price approaches (Lusby 2008, Lin andKwan 2016), graph coloring algorithms (Cornelsen and Di Stefano 2007), and heuristics (Carey and Crawford 2007, Liu and Kozan 2011, Içyüz et al 2016.…”