Honeybees are social insects, and individual bees take on different social roles as they mature, performing a multitude of tasks that involve multi-modal sensory integration. Several activities vital for foraging, like flight and waggle dance communication, involve sensing air vibrations using antennae.We investigated changes in the identified vibration-sensitive interneuron DL-Int-1 in the honeybee Apis mellifera during maturation by comparing properties of neurons from newly emerged and forager honeybees. Comparison of morphological reconstructions of the neurons revealed minor changes in gross dendritic features and consistent, region dependent and spatially localized changes in dendritic density. Comparison of electrophysiological properties showed an increase in the firing rate differences between stimulus and non-stimulus periods in foragers compared to newly emerged adult bees. The observed differences in neurons of foragers as compared to newly emerged adult honeybees indicate refined connectivity, improved signal propagation, and enhancement of response features important for the network processing of air vibration signals relevant for the waggle-dance communication of honeybees. Perception of vibrations and sounds is very important for social insects (Hunt and Richard 2013) and 2 among them, honeybees are unique in that they use air-borne vibrations in addition to substrate-borne 3 vibrations for communication (Kirchner 1997). Among several intra-hive communication behaviors 4 linked to air-borne vibration sensing (Barth et al. 2005; Hunt and Richard 2013; Nieh 2010), the waggle 5 dance behavior, by which honeybees communicate the location and profitability of food sources, has 6been extensively studied (von Frisch 1965; von Frisch 1993; Kirchner 1993; Brockmann and Robinson 7