The aim of this paper is to evaluate the importance of entrepreneurship education at universities in the MENA region using Lehner’s “success factor analysis”. Likewise, the degree of implementation will be investigated. This method is used to investigate the so-called entrepreneurship education topics. 14 international participants from Algeria, Egypt and Jordan were surveyed on the relevance of entrepreneurial skills. The participants are partners of the STREAM project. Lehner’s “success factor analysis” shows that the relevance of entrepreneurial competencies varies by country. This results in a matrix of more successful and less successful competencies. On the one hand, the results show that “self-reliance” is considered very important or at least somewhat important. On the other hand, “communi-cation and interpersonal skills” were ranked as extremely important by all participants. To find out if there is a country specific influence in this study, we will dive deeper into the method described by Lehner to find further explanations.