“…(SRCTITLE("ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction" OR "Decision Support Systems" OR "European Journal of Information Systems" OR "Information and Management" OR "Information and Organization" OR "Information Systems Journal" OR "Information Systems Research" OR "Journal of Information Technology" OR "Journal of Management Information Systems" OR "Journal of Strategic Information Systems" OR "Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology" OR "Journal of the Association for Information Systems" OR "MIS Quarterly" OR "Applied Ontology" OR "Australasian Journal of Information Systems" OR "Behaviour and Information Technology" OR "British Journal of Educational Technology" OR "Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE)" OR "Communications of the ACM" OR "Communications of the Association for Information Systems" OR "Computers and Security" OR "Data and Knowledge Engineering" OR "DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems" OR "Electronic Commerce Research" OR "Electronic Markets -The International Journal on Networked Business" OR "Enterprise Information Systems" OR "Group Decision and Negotiation" OR "Human-Computer Interaction" OR "IBM Systems Journal" OR "Information and Software Technology" OR "Information Communication and Society" OR "Information Systems" OR "Information Systems Frontiers" OR "Information Technology and People" OR "International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems" OR "International Journal of Electronic Commerce" OR "International Journal of Information Management" OR "International Journal of Medical Informatics" OR "Internet Research: Electronic Networking, Applications and Policy" OR "Journal of Computer Information Systems" OR "Journal of Global Information Management" OR "Journal of Information Systems" OR "Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application" OR "Journal of Knowledge Management" OR "Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce" OR "Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association" OR "Knowledge Management Research and Practice" OR "Knowledge-Based Systems" OR "MISQ Executive" OR "New Technology, Work and Employment" OR "Personal and Ubiquitous Computing" OR "Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems" OR "The Information Society") AND TITLE-ABS-KEY(persua*)) (Orji, Vassileva, & Mandryk, 2013) 1 1 58 (Sycara, 1993) 1 59 (Bennett, Durand, & Betty, 1990) 60 (Goh, Chu, & Soh, 2009) 1 61 (Steiny, 2009) 1 62 (Rouwette, Vennix, & Felling, 2009) 1 1 1 63 (Haines, Cao, & Haines, 2006) 1 64 (Bragge, Kallio, & Sunikka, 2008) 1 1 65 (Gretzel & Fesenmaier, 2006 (Dijkstra, 1999) 95 (Mak, Schmitt, & Lyytinen, 1997) 1 1 96 (Santhanam, Sasidharan, & Webster, 2008) 1 97 (Huang & Lin, 2007) 98 (Wattal, Schuff, Mandviwalla, & Williams, 2010) 1 99 (Tam & Ho, 2005) 1 1 100 (Rui, Liu, & Whinston, 2013) 1 ...…”