Xenopus embryonic ectodermal cells dissociated for three or more hours differentiate into neural tissue instead of adopting their normal epidermal fate. This default type of neural induction occurs in the absence of Spemann's organizer signals and is thought to be caused by the dilution of endogenous BMPs into the culture medium. Unexpectedly, we observed that BMP ligands continue to signal in dissociated cells. Instead, cell dissociation induces a sustained activation of the Ras/ MAPK pathway, which causes the phosphorylation of Smad1 at sites that inhibit the activity of this transcription factor. It is this activation of Ras/MAPK that is required for neuralization in dissociated ectoderm. Neural induction in amphibians requires secreted signals, in particular BMP antagonists, produced in the dorsal organizer region of the embryo (Spemann 1938;Harland 2000;De Robertis and Kuroda 2004). However, early work also showed that brain tissue could be obtained in the absence of the organizer, for example, by simply culturing newt ectodermal explants in sub-optimal saline solutions (Barth 1941;Holtfreter 1944). In Xenopus, neural differentiation without the organizer can be induced by dissociating ectodermal cells, which would otherwise give rise to epidermis, for 3 h or more ( Two disparate views dominate the neural induction field at present. Work in the chick embryo has stressed the importance of FGF signaling, whereas work in Xenopus has tended to emphasize the requirement for antiBMPs in neural induction (Harland 2000; Stern 2004). We have argued that these apparently conflicting observations can be reconciled through a molecular mechanism in which Ras/MAPK phosphorylation regulates the BMP transducers Smad1/5/8 (De Robertis and Kuroda 2004). It has been reported that both FGF and IGF can promote neural induction through the phosphorylation, via MAPK, of inhibitory sites located in the linker region of the Smad1 transcription factor (Pera et al. 2003). Linker phosphorylation of BMP-sensitive Smads by MAPK opposes the effect of C-terminal Smad phosphorylation by the BMP receptor serine-threonine protein kinase (Fig. 1A), causing inhibition of the nuclear function of Smad1 and promoting neural development (low BMP/Smad) at the expense of epidermal (high BMP/ Smad) fates (Massagué 2003).It is known that activation of ERK can be triggered by a large number of external stimuli, including cell stress (Wetzker and Böhmer 2003). In Xenopus embryos, the simple extirpation of ectodermal explants can activate ERK, causing this kinase to become diphosphorylated (dpERK) (LaBonne and Whitman 1997; Christen and Slack 1999). However, this ERK activation by microsurgery is transient, lasting <30 min. Transient ERK activation after animal cap dissection is without phenotypic effect, and the explants go on to differentiate according to their normal epidermal fate. Since BMP and MAPK signaling are integrated during neural induction, we decided to investigate whether cell dissociation in conditions that cause neural differentiation mi...