-We present and analyze deterministic complex networks of pulse-coupled oscillators that exhibits recurrent events comprised of an increase and a decline in synchrony. Events emerging from the networks may form an oscillatory behavior or may be separated by periods of asynchrony with varying duration. The phenomenon is specific to spatial networks with both short-and longranged connections and requires delayed interactions and refractoriness of oscillators.Nature possesses various examples of systems composed of many oscillatory elements in which, through mutual interactions, collective dynamics emerges [1][2][3]. In many biological networks (like the heart or the brain) interactions are short-lasting and may be modeled as pulses, which are fired at a given oscillator phase [4,5]. Such pulse-coupled oscillators show, for large arrangements, a variety of collective dynamics with a convergence of global observables after transients. Examples range from stable synchronous [5,6] and asynchronous states [7], phase-locking [8], partial synchrony [9][10][11], to transitions from asynchronous to synchronous states [12]. The human brain with its 100 billion neurons, however, may show recurrent changes in global synchrony (as seen, e.g., on the electroencephalogram) associated with physiologic or pathophysiologic functioning [13,14].In this Letter, we present a spatial network model of pulse-coupled oscillators (PCOs), which shows collective dynamics with no convergence to either synchrony, partial synchrony, or asynchrony. Instead, the network generates -even without noise influences or a change of parameters -recurrent events that are comprised of an increase and decline in synchrony. Events may occur at random looking times and be separated by prolonged periods of asynchrony. Events may also be initiated immediately after completion of the preceding event leading to an oscillatory behavior. The oscillators thus generate a rhythm, which is not directly linked to their intrinsic time-scales (the delay of interactions and the duration of the refractory period) but is an emerging property of the network.We study networks of oscillators n ∈ N with phases φ n (t) ∈ [0, 1], dφn dt = 1. If for some t f and some oscillator n the phase reaches 1 (φ n (t f ) = 1), it is reset to 0 (φ n (t + f ) = 0) and we introduce a phase jump in all oscillators n which are adjacent to n according to some directed graph:∆ denotes the phase response curve. A refractory period of length ϑ can easily be incorporated into ∆ by setting ∆(φ) = 0 for φ < ϑ. Consider identical time delays τ < ϑ on all outgoing connections of oscillator n, such that all its excitations are received when φ n = τ . In this case, n can be replaced equivalently with an undelayed oscillator with periodically shifted phase and phase response curve. We can thus incorporate both refractoriness and delay into an arbitrary phase response curve ∆ (yielding an formally undelayed phase response curve ∆) by setting:Here denotes some coupling strength. Our choice for ∆ (φ) is...