Abstract-Lesion composition plays a significant role in atherosclerotic lesion instability and rupture. Current clinical techniques cannot fully characterize lesion composition or accurately identify unstable lesions. This study investigates the use of time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy for unstable atherosclerotic lesion diagnosis. The fluorescence of human coronary artery samples was induced with nitrogen laser and detected in the 360-to 510-nm wavelength range. The samples were sorted into 7 groups according to the AHA classification: normal wall and types I, II a (fatty streaks), III (preatheroma), IV (atheroma), V a (fibrous), and V b (calcified) lesions. Spectral intensities and time-dependent parameters [average lifetime f ; decay constants: 1 (fast-term), 2 (slow-term), A 1 (fast-term amplitude contribution)] derived from the time-resolved spectra of coronary samples were used for tissue characterization. We determined that a few intensity values at longer wavelengths (Ͼ430 nm) and time-dependent parameters at peak emission region (390 nm) discriminate between all types of arterial samples except between normal wall and type I lesions. The lipid-rich lesions (more unstable) can be discriminated from fibrous lesions (more stable) on the basis of time-dependent parameters (lifetime and fast-term decay). We inferred that features of lipid fluorescence are reflected on lipid-rich lesion emission. Our results demonstrate that analysis of the time-resolved spectra may be used to enhance the discrimination between different grades of atherosclerotic lesions and provide a means of discrimination between lipid-rich and fibrous lesions. Key Words: atherosclerosis Ⅲ lesion instability Ⅲ time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence Ⅲ spectroscopy R upture of coronary atherosclerotic lesions leads to the acute coronary syndromes of unstable angina, acute myocardial infarction, and ischemic sudden death. [1][2][3] Evidence suggests that lesion composition plays a crucial role in lesion instability and that lipid-rich lesions are more prone to rupture than fibrous lesions. [1][2][3] Current clinical techniques (angiography, angioscopy, ultrasound) are limited in their ability to characterize lesion composition and identify lipidrich lesions. 3 Various techniques are currently under study as potential new tools for identification of lipid-rich lesions (MRI, 4 near-infrared spectroscopy, 5 Raman spectroscopy 6 ) or markers of instability, such as macrophage activation in fibrous cap (local thermography 7 ).Several groups have investigated laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (LIFS) as a tool for analyzing plaque composition in the attempt to guide laser angioplasty and to evaluate the likelihood of restenosis. 8 -13 The research was carried out for both ex vivo 8 -12 and in vivo 12,13 conditions. These early studies have demonstrated the potential of LIFS to characterize a few types of atherosclerotic lesions (fibrous, atheromatous, calcified) and to discriminate those from the normal arterial wall. These studies,...