The article discusses the issues of assessing the risk of bankruptcy and forming a forecast of the financial stability of the enterprise of the EMPIX company using the DL “Random forest” artificial intelligence model. The relevance of the study is that in the context of digitalization, approaches to ensuring the sustainable development of an enterprise based on artificial intelligence are increasingly being used. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that in the study, a deep learning model DL model “Random forest” was formed, which makes it possible to obtain a forecast of the risk of bankruptcy of an enterprise, based on the parameters embedded in the Altman and Conan-Golder models. The practical significance of the study is determined by the possibility of using its results in practice, in particular, in order to provide support for decision-making regarding the sustainable development of an enterprise. In the experiment, the hyperparameters of the neural network did not change; the input values in various trees were selected randomly by the algorithm. The DL model demonstrated high prediction accuracy. In the model that was developed by the authors, the best decision tree was used, with hyperparameter settings that meet the optimality requirements. These include, for example, the depth of a tree - three layers, and ten estimators in an ensemble of trees.