The article presents critical analysis of current methodological approaches, the standard and the options of complex therapy of malignant brain tumors (MBT). Author defines the main reasons for low effectiveness of MBT therapy. Relying on post-genome innovations (mass-spectrometry proteome mapping and whole transcriptome profiling of gene expression of cancer cells (CCs), cancer stem cells (CSCs) and tissue-specific stem cells (TSSCs) of the cancer patient, and their comparative analysis) the author proposes systemic solution for the MBT complex therapy that consists in a new alternative paradigm of cytoregulatory anti-cancer treatment of the MBT that is aimed at rigid control, management and regulation of the number of CCs and CSCs in the body. The goal of a new treatment paradigm is to transfer acute, uncontrollable and mortal process into chronic and non-lethal disease, and, thus, to improve survival rates and life quality of the patients. The instrument to implement the new paradigm is a sparing algorithm of conventional therapeutic methods and immune therapy, supplemented with personalized anti-tumor proteome-based cell therapy. The therapy implies transfusions of transcriptome-modified autologous TSSCs with specified properties to regulate the reproductive functions of the CSCs. The author proposes the complex therapy of the MBT and shows its social and economic significance for the society and neuroscience.