“…A number of studies have shown that the largely heterogeneous activity patterns of individual neurons in monkey (Kobak et al, 2016; Machens et al, 2010; Mante et al, 2013; Markowitz et al, 2015) and rat (Durstewitz et al, 2010) prefrontal cortex, monkey (Churchland et al, 2010b) and rat (Forsberg et al, 2016) V1, rat olfactory cortex (Kobak et al, 2016), rat thalamus (Chapin and Nicolelis, 1999), rat parietal cortex (Raposo et al, 2014), locust olfactory system (Stopfer et al, 2003), aplysia pedal ganglion (Bruno et al, 2015), and perhaps the entire zebrafish brain (Ahrens et al, 2012) can be explained as generated by a small set of latent variables associated with neural modes. In all these studies, neural modes and their time-varying activation helped describe previously unexplained mechanisms of neural function.…”