How does reward guide spatial attention during visual search? In the present study, we examine whether and how two types of reward information-magnitude and frequency-guide search behavior. Observers were asked to find a target among distractors in a search display to earn points. We manipulated multiple levels of value across the search display quadrants in two ways: For reward magnitude, targets appeared equally often in each quadrant, and the value of each quadrant was determined by the average points earned per target; for reward frequency, we varied how often the target appeared in each quadrant but held the average points earned per target constant across the quadrants. In Experiment 1, we found that observers were highly sensitive to the reward frequency information, and prioritized their search accordingly, whereas we did not find much prioritization based on magnitude information. In Experiment 2, we found that magnitude information for a nonspatial feature (color) could bias search performance, showing that the relative insensitivity to magnitude information during visual search is not generalized across all types of information. In Experiment 3, we replicated the negligible use of spatial magnitude information even when we used limited-exposure displays to incentivize the expression of learning. In Experiment 4, we found participants used the spatial magnitude information during a modified choice task-but again not during search. Taken together, these findings suggest that the visual search apparatus does not equally exploit all potential sources of spatial value information; instead, it favors spatial reward frequency information over spatial reward magnitude information.Keywords Visual search . Spatial attention . Spatial probability cueing . Statistical learning . Reward learning Interaction with our spatial environment is inherently goal driven, aimed at maximizing our behavioral outcomes. Consider a fisherman choosing between two equidistant locations to travel to and lower his lines. By a frequency maximization principle, he will pick the location that promises more fish caught in a given interval (all other things being equal). By a magnitude maximization principle, he will pick the location that promises individual fish that are more valuable to him (e.g., larger or tastier). Research has long examined the role of reward frequency and magnitude in learning (Crespi, 1942;Herrnstein, 1961). One classic demonstration of how these factors influence behavioral choice comes from Spear and Pavlik (1966), who used a T-maze procedure. Rats had to run through the Bstem^of the T toward a choice point, where they had to go left versus right to obtain a potential food reward at the end of the chosen arm. The frequency manipulation placed a reward more frequently in one arm than the other; the magnitude manipulation placed rewards equally often but altered the number of food pellets in each arm. Results showed that the rats took advantage of both frequency and magnitude information to maximize thei...