Summary:Purpose: Disorders in normal central nervous system (CNS) development are often associated with epilepsy. This report characterizes seizures in a novel genetic model of developmental epilepsy, the Flathead (FH) rat.Methods: Animals (n = 76) ages PO-22 were monitored for clinical and electrographic seizure activity. The effects of various AEDs on seizure frequency and duration also were assessed: phenobarbital (PB; 40 mgkg), valproate (VPA; 400 mgkg), or ethosuximide (ESM; 600 mgkg).Results: FHs display episodes of behavior characterized by whole-body tremor, strub tail, alternating forelimb clonus, and complete tonus. EEG recordings from neocortex reveal that FH seizures are bilateral and begin around P7. Seizures occur at a frequency of approximately six per hour from P7 to P18 and the average duration of seizures increases through development. PB, VPA, and ESM failed to prevent seizures; however, PB significantly increased the interval of seizures but had no effects on the duration of seizures, whereas VPA decreased the duration of seizures and not the interval.Conclusions: Seizures in FH rats occur at a constant and high frequency through a defined period in early postnatal development, and these seizures are not completely blocked by high doses of PB, VPA, or ESM. Because FH is a single-locus mutant displaying a highly regular pattern of seizure activity, it is an ideal model for examining the process of epileptogenesis in the developing brain, evaluating new AED therapies, and determining the identity of a gene essential to the normal development of cortical excitability. Key Words: SeizuresAutosomal recessive-Microcephaly-Antiepileptic drugsDevelopment-Cerebral cortex .Genetic models of epilepsy are powerful tools in understanding the mechanisms of epileptogenesis. Animal genetic models can be effectively used to (a) evaluate new and established antiepileptic (AED) therapy on spontaneously generated seizures, (b) define the timing and distribution of excitability changes leading to seizures, and (c) identify genes essential to normal neuronal excitability (1). There are currently several genetic models of epilepsy in rodents; however, there are virtually no models in rats that are single-locus mutations with generalized convulsive seizures in early postnatal development. Although there are several single-locus mutants in mice including dilute Eerhal, tottering, stargazer, and lethargic, electrophysiologic analyses of the cellular mechanisms (2-4) of epileptogenesis have been conducted largely in rats. Nearly all rat models including the genetically epilepsy-prone rat (GEPR,5,6), the genetic absence epilepsy rats from Strasbourg (GAERS, 7), the WAG/Rij rat (8), and the spontaneous epileptic rat (SER, 9) are polygenic, and in both the GAERS and WAG/Rij, seizures begin in the fourth week of life or later. Recently a single-locus mutation in rats, tish, was reported to result in heterotopias and spontaneous convulsive seizures; however, the developmental course of these seizures has yet to be reported ...