Structured Abstract
To demonstrate that expectant observation of young infants with small adrenal masses would result in excellent event-free and overall survival (EFS and OS).
Neuroblastoma is the most common malignant tumor in infants, and in young infants, 90% are located in the adrenal gland. Although surgical resection is standard therapy, multiple observations suggest that expectant observation could be a safe alternative for infants <6 months old who have small adrenal masses.
A prospective study of infants less than six months of age with small adrenal masses and no evidence of spread beyond the primary tumor was performed at participating Children’s Oncology Group institutions. Parents could choose observation or immediate surgical resection. Serial abdominal sonograms and urinary VMA and HVA measurements were performed over a ninety-week interval. Infants experiencing a 50% increase in the volume of the mass or urine catecholamine values, or an increase in the HVA/VMA ratio >2 were referred for surgical resection.
87 eligible patients were enrolled, 83 elected observation and 4 chose immediate surgery. 16 observation patients ultimately had surgery; 8 had INSS stage 1 neuroblastoma, 2 had higher stage neuroblastoma (2B and 4S), 2 had low grade adrenocortical neoplasm, 2 had adrenal hemorrhage and 2 had extralobar pulmonary sequestration. The two patients with adrenocortical tumors were resected because of a >50% increase in tumor volume. The 3-year EFS for a neuroblastoma event was 97.7±2.2% within the entire cohort of patients (n=87). The 3-year overall survival was 100% with median follow-up of 3.2 years. 81% of patients on the observation arm were spared resection.
Expectant observation of infants <6 months old with small adrenal masses led to excellent EFS and OS while avoiding surgical intervention in a large majority of the patients.