being biliary atresia, toxicities, and metabolic, genetic, and infectious diseases [2][3][4]. Identified indications and absolute contraindications for pediatric LT are given in Table 1. Our data shows that 306 patients underwent living donors, and the most common indications for LT are biliary atresia, biliary atresia where a Kasai procedure has failed glycogen store disorders, and genetic disorders. In our center, the mean age of the patients was 5.8, the Pediatric End-Stage Liver Disease (PELD) score was 12.3, they had many comorbidities, and one-year survival was 90.1%. ESLD requiring LT may have multisystem disorders that require significant anesthetic approaches. However, when an LT is indicated for a child to benefit from the transplant, all perioperative specialties related to the patient should discuss the patient's comorbidities and risks and form a consensus in a multidisciplinary approach [4][5][6][7].