“…38 Liver function investigations on human subjects revealed no impairment as judged by thymol turbidity, alkaline phosphatase, and bilirubin tests -the only abnormality found being a transient increase in Bromsulphalein retention, maximal on the third to fifth postoperative day.G, 156 We found that the cephalin-cholesterol flocculation test becomes positive in dogs after 90 minutes of anesthesia but returns to normal within a few days, and that there are no significant N ewer anestheties 657 changes in serum glutamic oxalacetic and serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase estimations. 57 The findings of others 38 are in substantial agreement with this, the slight and transitory hepatic impairment appearing to be similar in degree to that produced by diethyl ether, although some clinicians have advised caution in the use of the agent in the presence of pre-existing liver disease. In gross overdosage studies on dogs, which were also subjected to hypotension, hypoxia, and hypercarbia, Cale and co-workers 25 found water vacuolization of the hepatic cells at biopsy, which they regarded as nonspecific and reversible.…”