Glial derived transforming growth factor-α (TGFα) activates the erbB1/erbB2 receptor complex on adjacent glial cells in the medial basal hypothalamus (MBH). This receptor activation stimulates the synthesis and release of prostaglandin-E 2 (PGE 2 ) from the glial cells, which then induces the release of prepubertal luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) secretion from nearby nerve terminals; thus, showing the importance of glial-neuronal communications at the time of puberty. Ethanol (EtOH) is known to cause depressed prepubertal LHRH secretion and delayed pubertal development. In this study, we assessed whether short-term EtOH exposure could alter the hypothalamic glial to glial signaling components involved in prepubertal PGE 2 secretion. Immature female rats began receiving control or EtOH diets beginning when 27 days old. The animals were killed by decapitation after 4 and 6 days of treatment and confirmed to be in the late juvenile stage of development. Blood and brain tissues were collected for gene, protein and hormonal assessments. Real-time PCR analysis demonstrated that EtOH did not affect basal levels of erbB1 gene expression in the MBH. Expression of total erbB1 protein was also unaffected; however, the EtOH caused suppressed phosphorylation of erbB1 protein in the MBH at both 4 and 6 days (p<0.01) as revealed by Western blotting. Phosphorylation and totaql protein levels of erbB2 receptor were not affected by EtOH exposure. Because this receptor is critical for PGE 2 synthesis/release, which mediates the secretion of LHRH, we assessed whether in vivo EtOH exposure could affect the release of PGE 2 . EtOH exposure for 6 days suppressed (p<0.01) basal levels of PGE 2 released into the medium. The effects of 4 and 6 day EtOH exposure on gene and protein expressions of TGFα, an upstream component in the activation of erbB1/erbB2, were also studied. The levels of TGFα mRNA were increased markedly at 4 days (p<0.001), but declined to near basal levels by 6 days in the EtOH-treated animals. The EtOH caused increases in TGFα protein expression at both 4 (p<0.001) and 6 (p<0.01) days; hence, suggesting that the EtOH inhibited release of the peptide. We confirmed this inhibition by showing decreased (p<0.01) TGFα released from MBHs incubated in vitro following 6 days of EtOH exposure in vivo. Thus, these results demonstrate that EtOH is capable of interfering with hypothalamic glial to glial signaling processes involved in prepubertal PGE 2 secretion.