The ability to represent time is an essential component of cognition but its neural basis is unknown. Although extensively studied both behaviorally and electrophysiologically, a general theoretical framework describing the elementary neural mechanisms used by the brain to learn temporal representations is lacking. It is commonly believed that the underlying cellular mechanisms reside in high order cortical regions but recent studies show sustained neural activity in primary sensory cortices that can represent the timing of expected reward. Here, we show that local cortical networks can learn temporal representations through a simple framework predicated on reward dependent expression of synaptic plasticity. We assert that temporal representations are stored in the lateral synaptic connections between neurons and demonstrate that reward-modulated plasticity is sufficient to learn these representations. We implement our model numerically to explain reward-time learning in the primary visual cortex (V1), demonstrate experimental support, and suggest additional experimentally verifiable predictions. reinforcment learning ͉ visual cortex O ur brains process time with such instinctual ease that the difficulty of defining what time is, in a neural sense, seems paradoxical. There is a rich literature in experimental neuroscience describing the temporal dynamics of both cellular and system-level neuronal processes and many insightful psychophysical studies have revealed perceptual correlates of time. Despite this, and the clear importance of accurate temporal processing at all levels of behavior, we still know little about how time is represented or used by the brain (1). Temporal processing is classically understood as a higher order function, and although there is some disagreement (2, 3), it is often argued that dedicated structures or regions in the brain are responsible for representing time (4). Because different mechanisms are likely responsible for computing timing at different time scales (1,5,6), and because there is evidence for modality specific temporal mechanisms (7), an alternative possibility is that timing processes develop locally within different brain regions.Recent evidence indicates that temporal representations are expressed in primary sensory cortices (8-10) and that rewardbased reinforcement can affect the form of stimulus driven activity in the primary somatosensory cortex (11-13). In particular, Shuler and Bear (9) showed that neurons in rat primary visual cortex can develop persistent activity, evoked by brief visual stimuli, that robustly represents the temporal interval between a visual stimulus and paired reward (Fig. 1). A mechanistic framework capable of describing how a neural substrate can learn the observed temporal representations does not exist.Here, we explain how these temporal signals can be encoded in recurrent excitatory synaptic connections and how a local network can learn specific temporal instantiations through reward modulated plasticity. Although our model is potentially ...