The article is devoted to the study of the problem associated with the search for effective mechanisms for enhancing the training process in mixed martial arts (MMA) at the stage of pre-training. In the process of research, a questionnaire was carried out with the method of identifying promising athletes, improving the training process in MMA and dividing test training sessions for highly qualified athletes, the survey of which allows us to assess the adaptive capacity of the organ I'm jealous of important things. The results of the questionnaire were used to determine the most diverse range of trainers from this type of martial arts, nutrit ion to correct the structure of training programs and improve training in general. The results of the questionnaire showed that trainers often show signs of pain in order to use effective correction mechanisms for pressure to take care of the parameters of the general intensity of attention. It has been established that respondents engage in a wide range of core activities and vary varied approaches to the variability of the structure of employment, the redistribution of hundreds of technical, physical and tactical preparations to improve efficiency sti training process. Based on the results of the questionnaire, it was established that 56.7±9.0% of the experienced trainers valued changing the sequence of attacking deception and kicking and punching with the most effective mechanism for correcting training.