Dysregulation of epigenetic machinery can cause a variety of neurological disorders associated with cognitive abnormalities. In the hippocampus of postmortem Schizophrenia (SZ) patients, the most notable finding is the deregulation of GAD67 along with differential regulation of epigenetic factors associated with glutamate decarboxylase 67 (GAD67) expression. As we previously reported, ErbB3-binding protein 1 (EBP1) is a potent epigenetic regulator. EBP1 can induce repression of Dnmt1, a well-studied transcriptional repressor of GAD67. In this study, we investigated whether EBP1 contributes to the regulation of GAD67 expression in the hippocampus, controlling epigenetic machinery. In accordance with SZ-like behaviors in Ebp1 (+/−) mice, heterozygous deletion of EBP1 led to a dramatic reduction of GAD67 expression, reflecting an abnormally high level of Dnmt1. Moreover, we found that EBP1 binds to the promoter region of HDAC1, which leads to histone deacetylation of GAD67, and suppresses histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) expression, inversely mirroring an unusually high level of HDAC1 in Ebp1 (+/−) mice. However, EBP1 mutant (p.Glu 183 Ter) found in SZ patients did not elevate the expression of GAD67, failing to suppress Dnmt1 and/or HDAC1 expression. Therefore, this data supports the hypothesis that a reduced amount of EBP1 may contribute to an etiology of SZ due to a loss of transcriptional inhibition of epigenetic repressors, leading to a decreased expression of GAD67. Figure 1. Deficits in hippocampus development in Ebp1 (+/−) mice. (A) Ebp1 (+/+) and Ebp1 (+/−) 1 month and 958 month old mouse brains were isolated and subjected to Nissl staining (to compare the brain sizes 96 (upper)) or was stained with anti-ErbB3-binding protein 1 (EBP1) (red, marker for EBP1) and anti-97 NEUN (green, marker for neuronal cell) antibodies (to compare sizes of hippocampus (bottom)). The 98 whole brain size of Ebp1 (+/−) mouse was smaller than that of Ebp1 (+/+) for about 15%. Especially, the 99 hippocampus size was much smaller than that of Ebp1 (+/+) for about 30% 8 months after birth. Bar Representative images of the whole brain structure of Ebp1 (+/+) and Ebp1 (+/-) mouse are shown; coronal 102 (right) and transverse (left) T2-weighted images; MRI images of brain from 1 month (upper) or 8 103 month mice (bottom). Representative galleries of T2-weighted MRI images are shown. MRI was used 104 to determine the size of hippocampus. The hippocampus (light green) and cortex (light blue) are 106 hierarchical clustering of differentially expressed RNA of GABAergic neuron gene set was derived 107 using microarray of E12.5 Ebp1 deficient mouse brain samples. In the cluster heat map, red indicates 108 high relative gene expression and green indicates low relative gene expression. To confirm down 157 in hippocampus. (A) representative hippocampus structure is displayed. Created with BioRender. (B) 158 WT and Ebp1 heterozygous mouse brain were isolated and subjected to IHC staining with anti-EBP1 159 and TUJ1 antibodies, early neuronal marke...