Background and Purpose-Recent studies suggest that normobaric oxygen therapy (NBO) is neuroprotective in acute ischemic stroke. Methods-We performed multivoxel magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging and diffusion/perfusion MRI in patients with stroke treated with NBO or room air. Imaging was performed before, during, and after therapy. Results-Voxel-based analysis showed excellent correlation between apparent diffusion coefficient values, lactate, and N-acetyl-aspartate levels at all time points. Lactate decreased during NBO and increased post-NBO. N-acetyl-aspartate decreased in patients receiving room air but not in NBO-treated patients. Conclusion-These data suggest that NBO improves aerobic metabolism and preserves neuronal integrity in the ischemic brain. (Stroke. 2007;38:2851-2854.)Key Words: diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging Ⅲ neuroprotection Ⅲ oxygen therapy Ⅲ proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging Ⅲ stroke T he results of recent studies suggest that normobaric oxygen therapy (NBO) is neuroprotective in acute ischemic stroke. 1 In contrast to hyperbaric oxygenation, which has multiple molecular/biochemical effects, NBO's mechanisms are relatively unknown. We investigated NBO's metabolic effects on acutely ischemic brain tissues using multivoxel magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) and diffusion-perfusion MRI (DWI and PWI).
MethodsMRSI was performed in seven patients; one data set was discarded due to poor coregistration and motion artifact. Analyzable data were obtained in 6 patients, including 5 consecutively enrolled in a pilot study of NBO in stroke. 1 Detailed patient selection criteria are published 1 ; eligible patients were Ͻ12 hours postsymptom onset with perfusion-diffusion "mismatch" on baseline MRI. After informed consent, patients were randomized to room air or NBO (45 L/min oxygen through a face mask for 8 hours). MRSI and DWI/PWI were performed at baseline, 4 hours (during therapy), and 24 hours. National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale scores were recorded before each scan. The local human research committee approved the study.Details of the DWI/PWI technique are published. 1 MRSI was obtained at the end of each serial imaging session, on an axial image coregistered to the DWI image showing the largest hyperintense lesion, using the PROBE-P sequence. MRSI grids were carefully placed to encompass DWI-bright, mismatch, and normal brain regions, avoiding cerebrospinal fluid spaces (Figure 1). Multivoxel spectra were acquired over 6.5 minutes with symmetric 220-mm field of view; 16ϫ16 phase-encoding steps; 10-mm slice thickness; TR/TEϭ1500/135. DICOM and GE raw data were processed on a SUN-Blade-100 workstation (Sun Microsystems) using the SAGE spectral analysis program (General Electric) for preprocessing, which includes 1.25-Hz spectral apodization, internal waterreferencing, and spatial-zerofilling before Fourier transformation. Spatial-zerofilling resulted in 32ϫ32 spectra yielding individual voxel sizes of 7ϫ7ϫ10 mm 3 (0.5 mL). Quantities of lactate (La...