Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a serious pathology of the central nervous system that result in loss of motor, sensory and autonomic functions below the level of the lesion and for which, unfortunately, there is currently no cure. In addition to the loss of function, SCI induces a systemic inflammation that is not confined to the spinal cord and whose effects are increasingly well characterized. In particular, SCI causes cerebral inflammation, which is responsible for the impairment of hippocampal and bulbar neurogenesis. Many therapies have been tested as potential treatments for SCI. In animal models, cell therapies have shown interesting effects such as medullary scar reduction, anti-inflammatory properties, axonal regrowth or neuronal survival, allowing better functional recovery. However, in human studies, their therapeutic capacities are less significant. Beyond obvious differences in pathophysiology and cell culture procedures, a key paradigm of cell transplantation differs between humans and animals. In animal models, transplanted cells are systematically taken from healthy animals, whereas in humans the immune incompatibility leads to the realization of autologous transplantation. Therefore, we were interested in the lesion effects on the neuro-repairing potential of olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) harvested from olfactory bulbs. Using functional sensory-motor studies, histological and gene expression analyses, we were able to demonstrate for the first time that the lesion negatively affects the therapeutic properties of cells used to treat SCI. These innovative results shed new light on the future use of cell transplantation in autologous transplantation after SCI.