DOI: 10.1016/0304-3940(85)90041-2
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Neuropeptide Y innervation of the rodent pineal gland and cerebral blood vessels

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Cited by 87 publications
(36 citation statements)
References 25 publications
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“…Of these three populations of cerebrovascular nerves, the sympathetic group with NA and NPY originates mainly from the superior cervical ganglion (Edvinsson et al 1983(Edvinsson et al , 1987Schon et al 1985). In the rat, AChE staining and VIP immunohistochemistry studies, in conjunction with ganglionectomy and/or retrograde tracing techniques, have confirmed that cerebral perivascular AChE-positive and VIP-IR nerve fibres originate mainly as the axons of cell bodies in the sphenopalatine ganglia, and partially from those in the internal carotid microganglia and otic ganglia (Hara et al 1985Hara and Weir 1986;Edvinsson et al 1989;Suzuki et al 1989).…”
Section: Lntroductionmentioning
confidence: 85%
“…Of these three populations of cerebrovascular nerves, the sympathetic group with NA and NPY originates mainly from the superior cervical ganglion (Edvinsson et al 1983(Edvinsson et al , 1987Schon et al 1985). In the rat, AChE staining and VIP immunohistochemistry studies, in conjunction with ganglionectomy and/or retrograde tracing techniques, have confirmed that cerebral perivascular AChE-positive and VIP-IR nerve fibres originate mainly as the axons of cell bodies in the sphenopalatine ganglia, and partially from those in the internal carotid microganglia and otic ganglia (Hara et al 1985Hara and Weir 1986;Edvinsson et al 1989;Suzuki et al 1989).…”
Section: Lntroductionmentioning
confidence: 85%
“…Pineal NPY fibers have recently been found in a variety of species including rat [54,55], golden hamster [56], guinea pig [57], gerbil [58], ground squirrel [35], mink [59] and monkey [38,60], The radioimmunological determination showed a fairly high NPY concentration in the pineals of rat [12,52] and Phodopus (present study). Retrograde tracing studies indicated that NPY-like immunoreactive neurons in the superior cervical ganglia project to the pineal in gerbils [58] and rats [54], The loss of pineal NPY immunoreactivity following ganglionectomy in rats [55] suggested that NPY-like immunoreactivity stems from NPY-containing neurons in the superior cervical ganglia (where it is also found in Phodopus; unpublished). Anoth er rat study, however, described a few NPY fibers remain ing in the stalk and deep pineal following ganglionectomy [11]; this fact led the authors to speculate that pineal NPYergic innervation may have, in part, extraganglionic origin.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 95%
“…NPY, which has been mainly colocalized to noradrenergic systems, has been observed by immunohistochemistry in pineal fibres in various species, including rat (Schon et al 1985;Reuss and Moore 1989), guinea pig (Schröder and Vollrath 1986), gerbil (Shiotani et al 1986), ground squirrel (Reuss et al 1990a), monkeys (Bons et al 1990) and golden and dwarf hamster (Schröder 1986;Reuss and Olcese 1995). A radioimmunological determination has shown high NPY concentrations in the pineal of rat (Chronwall et al 1985;Olcese 1994) and hamster (Reuss and Olcese 1995).…”
Section: Sympathetic Trunk Cervical Ganglia and Sympathetic Innervatmentioning
confidence: 96%
“…Several groups have reported the loss of NPY fibres in the pineal following superior cervical ganglionectomy (SCGX; Schon et al 1985;Romeo et al 1991;Matsushima et al 1994) suggesting that pineal NPY exclusively stems from the SCG. A radioimmunoassay study (Piszczkiewicz and Zigmond 1992), however, has shown that this procedure decreases pineal NPY by only 85% in the rat; some NPY fibres also remain following ganglionectomy in the pineal of mink and sheep Cozzi et al 1992).…”
Section: Extrasympathetic Innervation Of the Pineal Glandmentioning
confidence: 98%