The purpose of this study is rooted within the post-positivist research paradigm and aimed at enhancing learner information processing ability in the classroom through the application of structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis. Despite previous years of good educational practice, it is evident from academic results that learners fail to engage in meaningful learning experiences in most South African classrooms. Solutions to teaching and learning problems in education today require a more sophisticated and complex approach. The dynamic merging of the fields of neuroscience, psychology, and pedagogy explores effective teaching and learning practices in light of current knowledge about the brain, learning processes, and factors that influence successful learning. This study employed a closed-ended questionnaire as the data collection instrument. The sample of the study included 650 Grade 11 learners that represented 20 schools of the 65 schools in the Fezile Dabi education district. Data gathered through a non-experimental quantitative design, following the survey method, was analysed through the application of inferential statistics. The main findings of the study illustrated a statistically significant relationship between the information processing ability of learners and conscious awareness, cognitive engagement, and metacognitive engagement. Teachers should take special interest in the study of the brain (i.e., from an educational-neuroscientific stance) because they should understand how the brain contributes to educational phenomena, such as learning, critical thinking, problem-solving, information processing and memory.