The aim of this study was to explore the role of p-coumaroyl in the antioxidant and cytoprotective effects of flavonoid glycosides. The antioxidant effects of astragalin and tiliroside were compared using ferric ion reducing antioxidant power, DPPH• scavenging, ABTS•+ scavenging, •O2– scavenging, and Fe2+-chelating assays. The results of these assays revealed that astragalin and tiliroside both exhibited dose-dependent activities; however, tiliroside exhibited lower IC50 values than astragalin. In the Fe2+-chelating assay, tiliroside gave a larger shoulder-peak at 510 nm than astragalin, and was also found to be darker in color. Both of these compounds were subsequently evaluated in a Fenton-induced mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) damaged assay, where tiliroside performed more effectively as a cytoprotective agent than astragalin. Tiliroside bearing a 6′′-O-p-coumaroyl moiety exhibits higher antioxidant and cytoprotective effects than astragalin. The 6′′-O-p-coumaroyl moiety of tiliroside not only enhances the possibility of electron-transfer and hydrogen-atom-transfer-based multi-pathways, but also enhances the likelihood of Fe-chelating. The p-coumaroylation of the 6"-OH position could therefore be regarded as a potential approach for improving the antioxidant and cytoprotective effects of flavonoid glycosides in MSC implantation therapy.