. Can. J. Chem. 69, 893 (1991). The aluminum, gallium, and indium tris(1igand) complexes of 3-hydroxy-2-methyl-1-n-propyl-4-pyridinone and l-tz-butyl-3-hydroxy-2-methyl-4-pyridinone have been prepared and characterized. All six compounds were prepared in a one-pot synthesis from maltol, n-propyl-, or n-butylamine and an appropriate metal(II1) salt, and were completely characterized (IR, FAB-MS, 'H NMR, ' '~1 NMR, elemental analysis). Three of the six complexes were studied by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and were found to form trihydrates, unlike their 1-methyl and 1-ethyl analogues, which formed dodecahydrates. The n-butylpyridinone complex A1(CIOH14N02)3.3H20 (Al(nbp)3.3H2O) and 11-propylpyridinone complexes A1(C9H12N02)3.3H20 (A l ( n~p )~. 3 H~O ) , and Ga(C9H12N02)3.3H20 ( G a ( n p~)~. 3 H~O ) were essentially isostructural, crystallizing in the space group On a prCparC et caractiris6 les complexes tricoordinks de l'aluminium, du galliumet de l'indium avec la 3-hydroxy-2-mkthyll-n-propyl~pyridin-4-one et la 1-11-butyl-3-hydroxy-2-mithyl-pyridin-4-On a prepare les six composCs par des synthkses "bouillabaisses" impliquant le maltol, les tz-propyl-ou n-butyl-amines et le sel mCtallique(II1) appropriC et on les a caractCrisks compl&tement par ir, sm-bar, rmn du 'H, rmn du "Al et analyse ClCmentaire. On a examine trois des six complexes par diffraction des rayons-X par des cristaux uniques et on a trouvC qu'ils forment des trihydrates alors que leurs analogues I-mkthyle et 1-Cthyle foment des dodCcahydrates. Le complexe de la n-butylpyridinone, A1(CloH14N02)3.3H20 ( A l ( n b~)~. 3 H~O ) et les complexes de la n-propylpyridinone, A1(C9H12N02)3.