13Pathogenic bacteria taken up into the macrophage phagosome are the target of many 14 anti-microbial effector molecules. Although mitochondria-derived antimicrobial effectors 15 such as reactive oxygen species (mROS) are reported to aid in bacterial killing, it is 16 unclear how these effectors reach bacteria within the phagosomal lumen. To examine 17 the crosstalk between mitochondria and phagosomes, we monitored the production and 18 the spatial localization of mROS during methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus 19 (MRSA) infection. We showed here mROS, specifically hydrogen peroxide (mH2O2) can 20 be delivered into phagosomes via infection-induced mitochondria-derived vesicles, 21 which are generated in a Parkin-dependent manner. Accumulation of mH2O2 in 22 phagosomes required TLR signaling and the mitochondrial superoxide dismutase,
23Sod2, which converts superoxide into mH2O2. These data highlight a novel mechanism 24 by which the mitochondrial redox capacity enhances macrophage antimicrobial function 25 by delivering mitochondria-derived effector molecules into bacteria-containing 26 phagosomes. 27 28 84MRSA infection. First, we validated that MitoPY1, a mitochondrially targeted probe that 85 fluoresces in response to mH2O2 (Dickinson and Chang, 2008; Dickinson et al., 2013), 86 was indeed mitochondrially restricted in macrophages. RAW264.7 cells were 87 transfected with mito-mCherry and loaded with MitoPY1. MitoPY1 fluorescence intensity 88 increased when macrophages were stimulated with exogenous H2O2, and the signal co-89 localized with mito-mCherry ( Fig. 1A). We also quantified the difference in mean 90 fluorescence intensity (MFI) by flow cytometry (Fig. 1B). During MRSA infection, 91 MitoPY1 fluorescence intensity increased over time, peaking at 4h pi (Fig. 1C). To 92 determine whether IRE1a was required for mH2O2 induction by MRSA infection, we 93 generated IRE1a-deficient macrophages using CRISPR/Cas9 ( Fig. 1D and S1). IRE1a 94 deficiency suppressed the ability of macrophages to induce mH2O2 during MRSA 95 infection when compared to non-target control (Fig. 1E). To test the requirement for 96 mROS in killing MRSA, infected macrophages were treated with the ROS scavenger, 97 NecroX-5, which is primarily localized to mitochondria (Kim et al., 2010; Thu et al., 98 2016). Infected macrophages treated with NecroX-5 exhibited lower MitoPY1 99fluorescence than control-treated cells (Fig. 1F), and decreased capacity to kill MRSA 100 (Fig. 1G). These data indicate that IRE1a is critical for infection-induced mH2O2, and 101 establishes a role for mROS in macrophage bactericidal function against MRSA.
103Mitochondrial peroxide accumulation in phagosomes is TLR-dependent 104 We reasoned that mH2O2 could contribute to bactericidal function indirectly by signaling 105 and/or by direct delivery to the phagosome. If direct delivery, we might expect to see 106 mH2O2 accumulate in the phagosome. To monitor mH2O2 spatial localization during 107 infection, we imaged live cells stimulated with viable MRSA, ...