“…In particular, even though in the static limit of zero momentum transfer, q 2 → 0, the form-factor F 1 (q 2 , ξ) becomes independent of ξ, its first derivative with respect to q 2 , which corresponds to the classic definition of the NCR, namely r 2 ν = − 6 ∂F 1 (q 2 ,ξ) ∂q 2 | q 2 =0 , continues to depend on it. The problems associated with the definition of the NCR within the SM and beyond have been examined in detail in a series of papers, and various proposals have been put forth on how to bypass them [5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16]. The main idea behind these works has been to exploit judiciously the GFP-independence of the entire physical amplitude, and eventually define a piece of it which is kinematically akin to an electromagnetic form factor, and is in addition endowed with a set of important physical properties.…”