Cosmological α-attractor models in N ¼ 1 supergravity are based on the hyperbolic geometry of a Poincaré disk with the radius square R 2 ¼ 3α. The predictions for the B modes, r ≈ 3α 4 N 2 , depend on moduli space geometry and are robust for a rather general class of potentials. Here we notice that starting with M theory compactified on a 7-manifold with G 2 holonomy, with a special choice of Betti numbers, one can obtain d ¼ 4, N ¼ 1 supergravity with the rank 7 scalar coset ½ SLð2Þ SOð2Þ 7 . In a model where these seven unit size Poincaré disks have identified moduli one finds that 3α ¼ 7. Assuming that the moduli space geometry of the phenomenological models is inherited from this version of M theory, one would predict r ≈ 10 −2 for N ¼ 53 e-foldings. We also describe the related maximal supergravity and M/string theory models leading to preferred values 3α ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.