We argue that neutrino flavor parameters may exhibit features that are very different from those of quarks and charged leptons. Specifically, within the Froggatt-Nielsen (FN) framework, charged fermion parameters depend on the ratio between two scales, while for neutrinos a third scale-that of lepton number breaking-is involved. Consequently, the selection rules for neutrinos may be different. In particular, if the scale of lepton number breaking is similar to the scale of horizontal symmetry breaking, neutrinos may become flavor-blind even if they carry different horizontal charges. This provides an attractive mechanism for neutrino flavor anarchy.Introduction. The measured neutrino flavor parameters are neither manifestly small (apart from the overall mass scale) nor manifestly hierarchical. The two measured mixing angles are O(1) and the measured mass ratio is O(0.2) or larger. With the upper bound on the third mixing angle of O(0.2), and with no information on the remaining mass ratio and CP violating phases, it could well be that all neutrino flavor parameters are nonhierarchical, that is, anarchical [1] (see however [2]). This is in sharp contrast to the charged fermion flavor parameters. Of these, only two parameters-the top Yukawa and the KM phase-are O(1), while all other eleven parameters-eight masses and three mixing angles-are small and hierarchical.It is of course possible that yet-unmeasured neutrino parameters (θ 13 and/or m 1 /m 2 ) are small, and there is hierarchy in all sectors. We assume here that this is not the case. Then, it is interesting to understand the reason for the difference between the flavor structure of neutral and charged fermions. This difference could be accidental. For example, one could imagine that the flavor structure is a result of an approximate symmetry, and it just so happens that all lepton doublets carry the same charge under this symmetry (see, for example, [3]). In other words, each of the sectors-up, down, charged lepton and neutrino-could equally well be hierarchical or accidentally anarchical. However, a far more intriguing possibility is that the difference is due to the fact that, of all the standard model fermions, only neutrinos are Majorana fermions. Then the measured parameters reflect the interplay between flavor physics and lepton number violation. It is this interplay that we wish to explore.In order to relate the flavor structure and the Majorana/Dirac nature of fermions, one must work within a framework that explains the flavor hierarchy of quarks and charged leptons. One of the most attractive such frameworks is the Froggatt-Nielsen (FN) mechanism [4]. One assumes an Abelian horizontal symmetry that is broken by a small parameter near some high "flavor scale", M F . This implies various selection rules for the flavor