Abstract.Spin dipole (SD) strengths for double beta-decay (DBD) nuclei were studied experimentally for the first time by using measured cross sections of ( 3 He,t) charge exchange reactions (CERs). Then SD nuclear matrix elements (NMEs) M α (SD) for low-lying 2 − states were derived from the experimental SD strengths by referring to the experimental α=GT (Gamow-Teller) and α=F (Fermi) strengths. They are consistent with the empirical NMEs M (SD) based on the quasi-particle model with the empirical effective SD coupling constant. The CERs are used to evaluate the SD NME, which is associated with one of the major components of the neutrino-less DBD NME.Key words: Charge exchange reaction, spin dipole strength, double beta decay, nuclear matrix element, quenching of axial vector transitions.Neutrino-less double beta decay (0νββ) is a unique probe for studying the Majorana nature of neutrinos (ν), the absolute ν-mass scales, the lepton sector CP phases and the fundamental weak interactions, which are beyond the standard weak model (SM). Nuclear matrix elements (NMEs) M 0ν for 0νββ are crucial to extract the neutrino properties from double beta decay (DBD) experiments and even to design DBD detectors. DBDs within the SM are 2-neutrino double beta decays (2νββ) and the NMEs M 2ν have been derived from experimentally measured 2νββ rates. DBD theories and experiments have been discussed in reviews [1,2,3,4,5] and references therein.The objective of the present letter is to show that ( 3 He,t) charge exchange reactions (CERs) at non-zero angles with momentum transfer q ≈ 30 -100 MeV/c are used to study spin dipole (SD) NMEs for low-lying J π = 2 − intermediate states associated with the major component of 0νββ NMEs. Actually, accurate theoretical calculations for M 0ν and M 2ν are hard since they are very small and are sensitive to nucleonic and non-nucleonic correlations, nuclear models and nuclear structures [1,3,4]. Accordingly, experimental studies of M 0ν and M 2ν are of great interest to help evaluate and/or confirm theoretical calculations of the NMEs. CERs are used to provide single β NMEs associated with DBD NMEs, as discussed in reviews [1, 3, 5, 6].