The scenario of SO(10) grand unified theory (GUT) proposed by one of the authors is extended to E6 unification. This gives realistic quark and lepton mass matrices. In the neutrino sector, the model reproduces the large mixing angle (LMA) MSW solution as well as the large mixing angle for the atmospheric neutrino anomaly. In this model, the righthanded down quark and the left-handed lepton of the first and second generations belong to a single multiplet 27. This causes natural suppression of the flavour changing neutral current(FCNC). * ) interesting features:1. The doublet-triplet (DT) splitting is realized using the Dimopoulos-Wilczek mechanism. 2. Proton decay via the dimension-five operator is suppressed. 3. Realistic quark and lepton mass matrices can be obtained in a simple way. In particular, in the neutrino sector, bi-large neutrino mixing is realized. 4. The symmetry breaking scales are determined by the anomalous U (1) A charges. 5. The mass spectrum of the super heavy particles is fixed by the anomalous U (1) A charges. As a consequence of the above features, the fact that the GUT scale is smaller than the Planck scale leads to modification of the undesirable GUT relation between the Yukawa couplings y µ = y s (and also y e = y d ) while preserving the relation y τ = y b . Moreover, it is remarkable that the interaction is generic; all the interactions that are allowed by the symmetry are taken into account. Therefore, once we fix the field contents with their quantum numbers, all the interactions are determined, except coefficients of order 1.The anomalous U (1) A gauge symmetry, 15) whose anomaly is cancelled by the Green-Schwarz mechanism, 16) plays an essential role in explaining the DT splitting mechanism at the unification scale as well as in reproducing Yukawa hierarchies. 17), 18), 19) Also, bi-large neutrino mixing is naturally obtained by choosing the 10 representation with an appropriate U (1) A charge, in addition to the three family 16 representations. This anomalous U (1) A is a powerful tool not only to reproduce DT splitting but also to determine the GUT breaking scales.This paper aims to show further that the above SO(10) model is naturally extended to E 6 GUT, in which the additional field 10 of SO(10) is included in a chiral multiplet 27 of E 6 . In order to realize this scenario, it is important to introduce the concept of "twisting family structure" in the E 6 unified model. 11) Under the SO(10) group, we know that 10 and 5 of SU (5) are combined into 16 of SO(10). Usually, each family belongs to 16. In this framework, however, it is not easy to reproduce the large Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata (MNS) 20) mixing and small Cabbibo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) 21) mixing. A promising way to reproduce this is to introduce other multiplets, 10 of SO(10), in addition to the usual 3 × 16 multiplets. 10) Since 10 of SO(10) is decomposed into 5(10) and 5(10) of SU (5), one of the fields 5(16) can be replaced by this 5(10). Such a replacement is essential to reproduce large MNS mixing, preserving small CK...