Deposition of pesticide on the clothing of the applicator was studied in a commercial vineyard using two different application technologies. A typical air-assisted sprayer with centrifugal fans delivered a concentrated spray. A tunnel or hooded sprayer was used at two carrier rates-high volume, low concentration versus low volume, high concentration-to apply Dithane M-45, an agricultural fungicide, at 3,375 g/ha on a light to medium density canopy. Deposition of pesticide was on the coveralls worn by the operator for all applications with a deposition range of 0.43 to 0.63 ng/cm2. The deposition on the clothing was higher for the air-assist sprayer than for the hooded sprayer. However, reducing the volume of water in the non-air assist hooded sprayer offered no advantage in terms of decreasing operator exposure. While the deposition of pesticide on the coveralls of the applicator was fairly uniformly distributed on the garment surface, the neck, shoulder, and upper right arm of our right-handed operator had the highest amount of pesticide deposit and the lower left quadrant of the garment had the lowest deposition. Results of this study indicate that vineyard applicator exposure can be reduced by use of the hooded non-air assisted sprayer and that extra protection is needed in the region of the neck, shoulder, and arm, and attention to the habits of the tractor driver is required.http://link.springer-ny. com/link/service/journals/00244/bibs/37n2p273.html