Low frequency Raman spectra of single crystals of orientationally disordered phases of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon monoxidc, and spectra of those substances as liquids show two linear segments in scmi-log plots. Slopes of the higher frequency segments are nearly equal for all cases; slopes of the lower frequency segments are particular to the substance and are nearly the same in both liquid and crystal for O2 and CO. Spectra of single crystals of argon doped with O,, Nz. or CO show two distinct features superimposed on a sloping background. Impurity molecule reorientation apparently accounts satisfactorily for all spectral features, but translation-rotation coupling may allow a contribution to thc higher frequcncy feature arising from a local phonon mode in argon.Les spectres Raman h basse frkquence des monocristaux des phases orientationnellement dCsordonnCes dc I'oxygene, de I'azote et du monoxyde dc carbonc. ainsi que Ies spectres des memes substances B I'Ctat liquide donnent des courbcs semi-logarithmiques comportant dcux scgmcnts rectilignes. Les pentes des segments correspondant aux SrCqucnces plus ClCvCcs sont presque Ics memes pour tous Ics cas; du cBtC des basses frCquences, la pente cst differente pour chacune des substances, mais a i~ peu prks la meme valeur pour le liquidc et Ic cristal dans Ic cas de O2 et CO. Les spectres de lnonocristaux d'argon dope avec 0 2 , N2 ou CO prkscntcnt dcux traits distincts superposCs B un fond cn pcntc. La rdoricntation de la molCculc d'impureti semble rendre compte de fafon satisfaisantc dc toutcs les particularitCs des spectres. mais il cst possiblc quc le couplage translation-rotation permcttc, aux hautcs frkquences. une contribution provenant d'un mode de phonon local dans I'argon.