156SHORT COMMUNICATIONS present measurements. The ratio ux/ue however, was found to rise from 0.033 to 0.048 with the increased accelerating potential and so the beam homogeneity appears to be substantially independent of tube voltage.In Table 1 the observed flux changes at 30 kV are compared with those predicted on the basis of (1) for 30 kV and 12 kV for a beam of 1 mm diameter that subtends 16 minutes of arc (0.26 ° ) at the tube focus. The results show that for intensity measurements of 1% accuracy the take-off angle should never be less than about 5 ° for Cu Kct radiation.References ALEXANDER, L. E. • SMITH, G. S. (1962 The lattice parameters of NH4Br have been measured as a function of temperature from 5 to 150°K, a range which includes the region of the transition between cubic and tetragonal ordered phases. The lowtemperature CsCl-type phase exhibits normal thermal expansion up to ~ 108°K on warming, while the tetragonal diffraction pattern persists down to ~80°K on cooling. The present data are combined with previous measurements between 150 and 300°K to yield an overall picture of the variations associated with changes in ordering.Four different structural modifications of NH4Br are known to exist at low pressures, and a fifth modification of unknown structure has recently been observed above 2000 atm (Garland & Young, 1968). At one atmosphere and high temperatures NHaBr has a disordered NaCl-type structure, but it undergoes a first-order transition at 410°K to a disordered CsCl-type structure. [P6yh6nen, Mansikka & Heiskanen (1964) have measured the lattice parameters between 297 and 467°K.] This modification undergoes a cooperative 2 transition at 234.5 °K to an ordered tetragonal structure which is closely related to the CsC1 structure (Levy & Peterson, 1953). At lower temperatures there is a sluggish first-order transition to an ordered CsCl-type structure. Associated with this latter phase change is a marked hysteresis: the transition occurs at ~ 78 °K on cooling and at ~ 108 °K on warming (Stephenson & Adams, 1952;Sorai, Suga & Seki, 1965). The order-disorder referred to above involves the relative orientations of adjacent NH4 + ions. Below 234.5°K there is a long-range order in these orientations although this ordering will not be the same in the tetragonal and CsCl-type structure.Hovi, Heiskanen & Varteva (1965) have carried out a detailed X-ray determination of the lattice parameters of NHaBr as a function of temperature between 150 and 300 °K. The object of the present investigation was to confirm the cubic structure of the low-temperature phase, to determine the lattice parameter as a function of temperature, and to investigate by means of X-ray diffraction the region of the order-order transition at ~ 100 °K. To achieve these goals, we have obtained data between 5 and 150°K.