Using ambient pressure x-ray and high pressure neutron diffraction, we studied the pressure effect on structural and magnetic properties of multiferroic Mn1−xCoxWO4 single crystals (x = 0, 0.05, 0.135 and 0.17), and compared it with the effects of doping. Both Co doping and pressure stretch the Mn-Mn chain along the c direction. At high doping level (x = 0.135 and 0.17), pressure and Co doping drive the system in a similar way and induce a spin-flop transition for the x = 0.135 compound. In contrast, magnetic ground states at lower doping level (x = 0 and 0.05) are robust against pressure but experience a pronounced change upon Co substitution. As Co introduces both chemical pressure and magnetic anisotropy into the frustrated magnetic system, our results suggest the magnetic anisotropy is the main driving force for the Co induced phase transitions at low doping level, and chemical pressure plays a more significant role at higher Co concentrations.PACS numbers: 75.30. Kz,75.85.+t There has been long pursuit for materials showing coupled magnetic and electric properties, for both technological potential and fundamental scientific interest. Inspired by the magnetic control of ferroelectric polarization in TbMnO 3 [1], considerable interest has focused on the "type II" multiferroic materials where the ferroelectricity has a magnetic origin [2][3][4][5][6]. It can be realized through spin current or inverse Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction [7][8][9], exchange striction [10], and p-d hybridization mechanism [11,12]. Magnetic frustration is a key ingredient in these materials where the competing interactions often lead to noncollinear spin structure and delicately balanced ground states, and the corresponding electric or magnetic properties can be easily tuned by external perturbations.The multiferroic MnWO 4 is a classic example of frustrated magnets with coupled electric and magnetic properties [13][14][15]. It crystallizes in the monoclinic wolframite structure (space group P 2/c). The edge-sharing MnO 6 octahedra form zigzag chains along the c axis [ Fig. 1 (a)]. When cooling, MnWO 4 undergoes successive magnetic transitions [16]. The incommensurate (ICM) AF3 phase orders below 13.5 K, forming a collinear sinusoidal structure with a T -dependent magnetic wavevector. An ICM AF2 phase is stabilized between 7 K < T < 12.6 K, with the wavevector locked at q = (0.214, 0.5, −0.457), hosting a spiral magnetic structure that breaks the inversion symmetry [17] and a spontaneous electric polarization along the b axis. Below 7 K, the electric polarization disappears simultaneously with the AF2 phase. The commensurate AF1 phase sets in with wavevector q = (0.25, 0.5, −0.5), forming a collinear ↑↑↓↓ configuration along the chain.Both experimental [18,19] and theoretical [20,21] studies have revealed sizable long-range magnetic interactions. The system is susceptible to different perturbations including magnetic field [13,[22][23][24][25] and chemical doping [26][27][28][29][30][31].Among chemical substitutions with either...