Silicon diodes with large aspect ratio perforated microstructures backfilled with 6 LiF show a dramatic increase in neutron detection efficiency beyond that of conventional thin-film coated planar devices. Described in this work are advancements in the technology using detector stacking methods to increase thermal neutron detection efficiency. The highest efficiency devices thus far have delivered over 42% intrinsic thermal neutron detection efficiency by device-coupling stacking methods. The detectors operate as conformally diffused pn junction diodes each having 1cm 2 square-area. Two individual devices were mounted back-to-back with counting electronics coupling the detectors together into a single dual-detector device. The solid-state silicon device operated at 3V and utilized simple signal amplification and counting electronic components. The intrinsic detection efficiency for normal-incident 0.0253 eV neutrons was found by calibrating against a calibrated 3 He proportional counter.