Fast neutron dosimetry is particularly crucial in the realm of radioprotection, as it significantly contributes to evaluating the radiation protection measures. This assessment aims to ensure and enhance the effectiveness of implemented safeguards and precautions, thereby minimizing the risks and potential harm associated with radiation exposure. Given the substantial biological damage that fast neutrons can inflict when interacting with living tissues, accurate dosimetry is indispensable for ensuring the safety of personnel in these environments and for optimizing radiation therapy treatments. 
Employing an indirect detector technique, this research focuses on characterizing the geometrical and optical properties of tracks produced by alpha particles resulting from Neutron-Boron reactions and distinguish them from the background made up of tracks generated from radon decay and impurities on the surface of the detector. Through the development of a robust protocol for fast neutron dosimetry, we can not only differentiate between tracks produced by alpha particles of varying energy levels but also precisely quantify the dose resulting from exposure to the neutron field.
A solid-state nuclear track detector (SSNTD) system (Politrack,, Italy) was used to address the critical need for measuring exposure to fast neutrons.
This advancement facilitates the implementation of more effective radioprotection strategies and contributes to the overall safety of radiation therapy procedures.