SummaryThe aim is to update the evaluated nuclear data library (ENDL) for nuclides used to simulate accelerator driven systems with JEFF3.1, JEFF3.2, and ENDF/B-VII.1. The applied methodology was, first of all, reproduced to 3 ENDL comparing the cross sections with the ADS Nuclear Data Library at 293.6 K. Second, libraries were processed at working temperature at 1200 K in containing fissile/fissionable material and 900 K for the remaining regions. Third, it is performed a criticality calculation at steady state using all temperatures processed at room temperature and working temperature and compared. Results, indicates the suitable ENDL to perform future burnup calculations.
| INTRODUCTIONHybrid systems such as ADS, which coupled a proton beam accelerator and a nuclear core, have been studied for transmutation of minor actinides (MA), energy production, and fuel regeneration. 1-3 One of the most interest options of using an ADS is the capability to produce fissile nuclides such as 233 U from the fertile nuclide 232 Th, maintaining a subcritical core.The nuclear engineering department DEN/UFMG has been studying hybrid systems loaded with reprocessed fuel using nonproliferation means, in which the MA and plutonium are all together in the same fuel matrix. Its main purpose is to transmute the amount of MA by high-energy neutrons produced in spallation reactions or in fission chains. [4][5][6] Nevertheless, to perform a more precisely simulation, it is important to use the appropriate nuclear data library, as well as, the operation temperature. Thus, one of the most important issues in nuclear fission is the proper cross section representation, which may be affected by the temperature causing a Doppler effect.