This paper describes a measurement of the neutron-proton differential cross section made at the Argonne National Laboratory Zero Gradient Synchrotron The differentml cross sections, based on about 470 000 events, are presented for 8 different momentum ranges between 4.5 and 12.5 GeV/c The data extend from small angles out to about 145 ° m the c.m s, corresponding to 0 14 < -t <~ 19 (GeV/c) 2 at the highest energies. These results in conjunction with previous np charge-exchange data provide almost complete angular distributions m this momentum range. A detatled comparison of the data with existing pp data and with theoretical pred:ctlons is made * A brief report of these results and thetr interpretation appeared in J L Stone et al, Phys Rev Lett 38 (1977) 1315, 1317