Vibrational spectroscopies represent a powerful tool to investigate the structural properties at an atomic level. In particular, the analysis of the spectra allows to have detailed information on both structure and chemical environment of different sites. Therefore, the spectroscopic characterization can usefully assist in the comprehension of the parameters ruling the unique catalytic properties of metal-free carbon materials, as well as to implement the knowledge in the design of new C-containing systems. Keeping in mind these purposes, the present Chapter tries to provide some insights on the information obtained by using vibrational spectroscopies to characterize carbonaceous materials. Intriguing and quite recently investigated systems will be illustrated as "case histories" to show what can be learned from the analysis of the spectra collected in different experimental conditions.The results concerning activated carbons, carbon nanotubes, graphene oxide as well as carbon nitrides or fullerenes will be discussed in order to investigate the effect of the pretreatment and of the functionalization/doping on the catalytic activity in different applications.
Raman spectroscopy applied to carbonsRaman spectroscopy is based on the inelastic light scattering of a laser source in the near IR -UV range.Backscattered photons come out with a lower (ν 0 −ν vibr ) or higher (ν 0 +νvibr) energy with respect to the incoming laser photons (ν 0 ). The energy difference (ν vibr ) corresponds to the vibrational mode. A Raman active vibrational mode should involve a change in the electric polarizability. This powerful technique is widely adopted in the characterization of carbon derived materials, both crystalline [e.g. HOPG (highly oriented pyrolytic graphite), nano-graphite] or amorphous (e.g. turbostratic carbon, carbon fibers etc.).
Raman spectroscopy of perfect and defective graphiteThe Raman spectrum of perfect graphite (e.g. HOPG) with large crystalline domains is dominated by a sharp peak centred at 1580 cm -1 (historically indicated as G peak, first order, see Figure 1a, top), which is attributed to a E 2g mode (Figure 1c, part A). In addition, a complex envelope of bands appears in the 2800-2600 cm -1 region (second order), mostly due to combination modes. In particular, two main peaks are observed in the spectrum of perfect graphite, originally indicated as G´2 (high frequency side, sharp) and G´1