We apply a novel equation of state (EoS) that includes the surface tension contribution induced by interparticle interaction and asymmetry between neutrons and protons, to the study of neutron star (NS) properties. This elaborated EoS is obtained from the virial expansion applied to multicomponent particle mixtures with hard core repulsion. The considered model is in full concordance with all the known properties of normal nuclear matter, provides a high-quality description of the proton flow constraints, hadron multiplicities created during the nuclear-nuclear collision experiments, and equally is consistent with astrophysical data coming from NS observations. The analysis suggests that the best model parameterization gives the incompressibility factor K 0 , symmetry energy J, and symmetry energy slope L at normal nuclear density equal to 200 MeV, 30 MeV, and 113.28 − 114.91 MeV, respectively. The mass-radius relations found for NSs computed with this EoS are consistent with astrophysical observations. Subject headings: dense matter -equation of state -stars: neutron arXiv:1805.04976v4 [astro-ph.HE]