Lymphadenopathies constitute most of the neck masses of the children. Lymph nodes are arranged along the lymphatic canal. They are rich in lymphocytes and antigenpresenting cells and surrounded by a fibrous capsule. Lymph node enlargement in local and systemic infectious cases is seen as lymphadenomegaly or lymphadenopathy Yöntem: Muayene s›ras›nda saptanan herhangi bir neden olmaks›z›n boyunda fliflme flikayetiyle 2014 ile 2017 y›llar› aras›nda KBB klini¤i-ne kabul edilen ve idiyopatik patolojik LAP tan›s› konulan toplam 100 çocuk retrospektif çal›flmaya dahil edildi. Kontrol grubu herhangi bir enfeksiyonu olmayan ve muayene ve laboratuvar tahlillerine göre sa¤-l›kl› oldu¤u düflünülen 100 çocuktan oluflmaktayd›. Hastalar ve kontrol grubu klinikteki hasta kay›tlar›na bak›larak yafl, cinsiyet, klinik öykü, hastal›k süreci ve muayene bulgular› aç›s›ndan tarand›.
Bulgular:Hasta grubunda ortalama lökosit ve lenfosit say›lar› kontrol grubundan daha yüksek olup farkl›l›k istatistiksel olarak anlaml›yd› (s›ra-s›yla p=0.008 ve p=0.001). Hasta grubunda ortalama NLO ve TLO de¤erleri kontrol grubuna göre anlaml› derecede daha düflüktü (s›ras›yla p=0.009 ve p=0.020).
Sonuç:Bilinmeyen etiyolojili patolojik servikal LAP nedeniyle takip edilen çocuklarda NLO ve TLO enflamasyonla iyi bir korelasyon gös-terebilir.Anahtar sözcükler: Nötrofil/lenfosit orant›s›, trombosit/lenfosit orant›s›, lenfadenopati.
AbstractObjective: To reveal whether if neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet to lymphocyte ratio (PLR) rates are useful or not in children followed-up due to pathological cervical lymphadenopathy (LAP) of unknown etiology who have a normal hematologic examination.
Methods:A total of 100 children admitted to the otorhinolaryngology clinic between 2014 and 2017 with the complaint of swelling in the neck without any etiology revealed on examination and established with the diagnosis of idiopathic pathological LAP were retrospectively included in the study. The control group consisted of 100 children who did not have any infectious condition and could be considered healthy in terms of examination and laboratory findings. Patients' and the control group's age, gender, clinical history, disease course and examination findings were screened from the patients' records in the clinic.
Results:Mean white blood cell and lymphocyte count parameters in the patient group were higher than the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (p=0.008 and p=0.001, respectively). In the patient group, mean NLR and PLR values were significantly lower than the control group (p=0.009 and p=0.020, respectively).Conclusion: NLR and PLR rates may be well correlated with inflammation in children followed-up due to pathologic cervical LAP with unknown etiology.