In the recent years, school administrators often come across various problems while teaching, counseling, and promoting and providing other services which engender disagreements and interpersonal conflicts between students, the administrative staff, and others. Action learning is an effective way to train school administrators in order to improve their conflict-handling styles. In this paper, a novel approach is used to determine the effectiveness of training in school administrators who attended an action learning course based on their conflict-handling styles. To this end, a Rahim Organization Conflict Inventory II (ROCI-II) instrument is used that consists of both the demographic information and the conflict-handling styles of the school administrators. The proposed method uses the Neutrosophic Set (NS) and Support Vector Machines (SVMs) to construct an efficient classification scheme neutrosophic support vector machine (NS-SVM). The neutrosophic c-means (NCM) clustering algorithm is used to determine the neutrosophic memberships and then a weighting parameter is calculated from the neutrosophic memberships. The calculated weight value is then used in SVM as handled in the Fuzzy SVM (FSVM) approach. Various experimental works are carried in a computer environment out to validate the proposed idea. All experimental works are simulated in a MATLAB environment with a five-fold cross-validation technique. The classification performance is measured by accuracy criteria. The prediction experiments are conducted based on two scenarios. In the first one, all statements are used to predict if a school administrator is trained or not after attending an action learning program. In the second scenario, five independent dimensions are used individually to predict if a school administrator is trained or not after attending an action learning program. According to the obtained results, the proposed NS-SVM outperforms for all experimental works.