We have used newly discerned morphological characters as well as molecular-sequence data from 18S and 28S rDNA to revise the families recently designated as the Ô9+0Õ acoels -what we call Convolutida. Characters from the ultrastructure of sperm, with their Ô9+0Õ axonemes, are useful in delineating the Convolutida, but are either species-specific or too conserved within the group to be used to infer relationships within it. Male genital organs, prostatoid organs, and sagittocysts, on the other hand, give a good phylogenetic signal for reconstructing relationships of such genera as Conaperta, Anaperus, and Achoerus; some features of the reproductive organs correlate with habitat and show how the Convolutida probably originated as epiphytic predators and radiated into the mesopsammon, pelagic, and coral-associated realms. In this revision of the Convolutida we provide revised synopses of its families -which we restrict to the Anaperidae, Convolutidae, and Sagittiferidae -and describe a new species, Polychoerus gordoni, from New Zealand. We transfer the genus Adenopea from the Antroposthiidae to the Convolutidae; Conaperta, Neochildia, and Oxyposthia from the Convolutidae to the Anaperidae; Paranaperus and Praeanaperus from the Anaperidae to the Haploposthiidae. Convoluta aegyptica is synonymized with Convoluta boehmigi, Convoluta lacazii with Convoluta sordida, and the genus Picola (Convolutidae) with Deuterogonaria (Haploposthiidae). Amphiscolops blumi, A. carvalhoi, and A. langerhansi, all of which possess a cellular seminal bursa, are transferred to the genus Heterochaerus. Convoluta elegans and Pseudanaperus tinctus are classified as nomina nuda. We use our findings on the ultrastructure of female genital organs and spermatozoa to show that sexual conflict plays a major role in the evolution of diversity of these structures and that the phylogeny of the Acoela would comprise early forms without female genital organs and hyper-or hypodermal transfer of sperm through advanced forms with ever longer and narrower bursal nozzles and sperm with axial microtubules. Moreover, our results show that the acquisition of endosymbiotic algae happened at least twice within the Acoela.