Propagation of noble dendrobium orchid (Dendrobium nobile Lindl.) by cutting was studied in two experiments. In the first experiment we evaluated the effect stem age on propagation success: mature stems -from already bloomed stems; and young stems -yet to bloom; and Nitrogen fertilizer application, from two sources: as Nitrate and Ammonium (respectively as Calcium Nitrate at concentrations of: 5.81 gL -1 ; 11.61 gL -1; 17.42 gL -1; and Urea at concentrations of 2.00 gL -1 ; 4.00 gL -1 and 6.00 gL -1 plus control treatments). We evaluated the following parameters: the number of cuttings stalks that launched shoots and/or roots, vigor, number of roots per plant and root length per plant. Factorial analysis of variance (stems age x source of Nitrogen; and age of stem x Nitrogen level) was applied using a Generalized Linear Model (GLM) approach. Where significant differences were observed, averages were compared using post-hoc tests (Tukey). Propagation success was higher using cuttings from mature stems (60.2%), a value 1.6 times higher than obtained with stem cuttings from young stems (38.0%). Application of Nitrogen, in both forms, did not influence any of the evaluated parameters. In the second experiment we treated cuttings from mature stems with Salicylic acid in 3 concentrations (0.10 mM; 0.50 mM; 1.00 mM and plus a control treatment). Evaluated parameters included proportion of cuttings stalks that launched shoots and/or roots, leaf length, root length, and number of roots per stem cutting. Factorial analysis of variance was applied with post-hoc tests. Application of 0.50 mM of Salicylic acid increased the proportion of cuttings stalks that launched shoots and/or roots by 20.5% relative to the control treatment. Keywords: Dendrobium nobile, propagation, small farmers, floriculture, elicitor molecule RESUMO Idade dos ramos, aplicação de fertilizantes nitrogenados e ácido salicílico, na estaquia da orquídea olho-de-boneca em cultivares da série Yamamoto A propagação da orquídea olho-de-boneca (Dendrobium nobile Lindl.) por estaquia, foi estudada em dois experimentos: no primeiro foi avaliado o efeito de duas idades de hastes utilizadas para as estacas: maduras -que já haviam florescido; e jovensque não haviam florescido ainda; e aplicação de fertilizantes nitrogenados, oriundos de duas fontes: na forma de nitrato e na de amônia (respectivamente como nitrato de cálcio nas concentrações de 5,81 gL -1 ; 11,61 gL -1; 17,42 gL -1 ; e uréia nas concentrações de 2,00 gL -1 ; 4,00 gL -1 e 6,00 gL -1 mais tratamentos controle. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: estacas que lançaram rebentos e/ou raízes, vigor, número de raízes e comprimento de raízes/por planta. A análise de variância fatorial foi aplicada (idade dos ramos x fonte de nitrogênio; e idade dos ramos x nível de nitrogênio) usando o Modelo Linear Generalizado (MLG). Quando diferenças significativas foram observadas, as medias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey. O melhor resultado foi obtido usando estacas oriundas de ramos maduros (60,2%), valor 1,6 ...