“…Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) [cotton bollworm d ] Host Tobias (1971Tobias ( , 1976Tobias ( , 1986 Helicoverpa (1966), Tobias (1971Tobias ( , 1976, Papp (1988), Schwarz and Shaw (2000), Shaw et al (2009) Nymphalis polychloros (L.) [large tortoiseshell] Host Telenga (1955) Vanessa atalanta (L.) [red admiral] Host Nixon (1974), Ford (1976), Haeselbarth (1983), Tobias (1986), Shaw et al (2009), Obregón et al (2015) Vanessa cardui (L.) [painted lady d ] Host Johnson (1913), Tobias (1971), Nixon (1974), Ford (1976), Tobias (1976), Doğanlar (1982), Tobias (1986), Owen (1987Owen ( , 1989 Thaumetopoea processionea (L.) [oak processionary d ] Host Tobias (1971) Host suitability categories reflect the percentage of successful parasitism (parameter 1) in the current study: excellent ([parameter 1] ≥80%), intermediate (20% ≤ [parameter 1] < 80%), poor (0% < [parameter 1] < 20%), or non-host (egg-to-adult development not supported). A host suitability of 'Host' is based on published reports that otherwise provide no indication of suitability.…”